Synthetik provides world-class experience in the development of physics-based modeling and simulation for the provision of data-centric insurance analytics.
Since the development of the compressible flow solver blastFoam in 2016 Synthetik has continued to develop a portfolio of assessing critically important areas of risk for the insurance market, including terrorism, flooding, windstorm/hurricanes, wildfires and earthquakes.
A terrorism modeling platform that leverages Synthetik’s blastFoam Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software
Recent terror events such as the Manchester Arena bombing and Brussels and Istanbul airport attacks featured improvised explosive devices (IEDs) detonated in crowded internal spaces. A blast wave that propagates in the presence of obstacles will have fundamentally different properties to those of an unimpeded blast wave.
01. Objective
Develop a software platform capable of calculating airblast loads in urban environments to better inform building designers, security analysts, and insurance companies.
02. Process
Synthetik studied two mechanisms that alter the properties of a blast wave: ‘channeling’ and ‘shielding’ before employing a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach to calculate airblast loads. The approach specifically models: 1) the detonation of the explosive material, 2) the expansion of the detonation products, 3) the development and propagation of a shock front in air, and 4) the reflections and dissipation of the shock front within the urban landscape.
03. Results
CityScape was validated by the U.S. DoD and DHS testing (full-scale) with publications in peer-reviewed journals, demonstrating excellent agreement between the modeling and field test results. CityScape has now been extended in partnership with the global reinsurance company Guy Carpenter to include consequence assessments of flooding, extreme winds, hailstorms, wildfires and earthquakes.
Flood Modeling
State-of-the-art flood modeling capability
Synthetik leveraged their physics-based modeling and simulation web-based platform to three discreet and critically important areas: improved characterization of flood hazard data, enhancing insured building stock information, and quantifying anticipated flood damage.
01. Objective
Develop a flood modeling capability to support the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Department of Homeland Security.
02. Process
Synthetik developed and deployed physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to enable accurate high-resolution analysis of historical, current, and predicted flood data. Synthetik then leveraged existing open source building stock data and geo-spatial information to train and deploy a machine learning algorithm to ascertain costs associated with flood-damaged buildings.
03. Results
Synthetik’s solution aids FEMA in quantifying flood impact with greater accuracy and has also been incorporated into CityScape – an insurance modeling platform originally designed for terrorism modeling but now also incorporates many environmental-based impact events.
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